What is InterLibrary Loan and how do I request an item?
Last Updated: Nov 17, 2023     Views: 445

To borrow a book or receive a copy of a journal article which is unavailable in the library's holdings, you may request the item through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). This is a resource-sharing system that enables you to request books and articles from another library. This service is available to all currently enrolled UT Tyler students, faculty and staff. If you are a new user, your account will be created when you log in using your university email and password. 

The steps to request an item through ILL:

  1. Log into your ILL account

  2. Click on 'New Request'

  3. Complete the online form 

    • Provide as much information as possible to help ILS staff locate requested material

    • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

    • Enter zero in the Applicable Charges field or the maximum amount you are willing to pay

  4. Click 'Submit Request'


Requests may also be generated by clicking on 'Borrow from another library' links within databases.  Once logged in, the request form will be partially generated with the information for the item requested. 

If you experience problems or cannot log into an existing account, please call Interlibrary Loan Services by phone (903-566-7396) or by e-mail (ill@uttyler.edu).

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