What rooms are available for reservation in the library? Last Updated: May 18, 2021 Views: 2015
Current UT Tyler students may reserve a Practice Presentation Room, an Individual Study Room, a Group Study Room, or the Testing Room.
Reservations for Individual and Group Study Rooms on the third floor are available in one hour blocks for up to three hours per day per person or per group. They can be reserved up to one week in advance. Individual Study Rooms have a maximum occupancy of one. Group Study Rooms have a minimum occupancy of three and maximum occupancy of six.
The Testing Room, LIB 318, is equipped with a computer intended for use by UTTyler students who need privacy for exams and online interviews. Students who own a laptop are encouraged to use an Individual Study Room for privacy. Students who need a computer but do not require privacy are encouraged to use a computer on the second floor or in the quiet computer lab in LIB 422. The Testing Room will accommodate one student and reservations are available for up to three hours per day, two weeks in advance. The Testing Room is located on the third floor which is zoned 'social' and rooms are not soundproof.
Presentation rooms, LIB 202 and LIB 210-C, may be reserved up to two weeks in advance for two hours per day per group.
UT Tyler faculty and staff may request a reservation for the computer lab in LIB 422, LIB 202, or LIB 210-C through Astra.
Student organizations must contact Student Life and Leadership to obtain meeting space on campus.
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