How do I find scholarly research articles written by nurse authors (in CINAHL Complete)?
Last Updated: Aug 09, 2023     Views: 1787

On CINAHL's advanced search page, enter your search terms then try any of these 4 options for limiting to nurse authors.

1. Select First Author is Nurse  
2. Select Any Author is Nurse

Note: these limiters apply only to records from November 2009 and forward (CINAHL FAQ

3. Journal Subset

Scroll through the list until you find the "Nursing" or "Core Nursing" subsets.
This restricts results to nursing journals and assumes that nursing authors publish more frequently therein.
This method is not perfect. You will need to verify author credentials


screenshot of First author is nurse, any author is nurse,, and journal subset options in cinahl

4. AF Author Affiliation

Enter "nurs*" into the search box.
Select AF Author Affiliation from the drop-down menu.
Enter your search terms into a different search box.
This searches for variations of the word "nursing" in the an author's institutional affiliation. Again, this method is not perfect and you will need to verify author credentials



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