How can I renew my materials? Last Updated: Jul 28, 2021 Views: 271
*Note: Only current UTTyler students, faculty, and staff may renew items online. Community members should visit or contact the Library to request a renewal.
Library owned material eligible for renewal may be renewed in person, by phone, or online*. You may also request renewals by email at Overdue items may not be renewed until items are returned and all fines paid. Items are not eligible for renewal if a hold has been placed by another patron or if the renewal limit has been reached. Only one renewal is allowed on most library owned material.
When renewing in person, you do not need to have the items present. Just visit the Help Desk and ask to have your items renewed.
To renew by phone, call 903.566.7342.
To renew UT Tyler Library items online (University Users Only)
1. Navigate to the UT Tyler Library Page
2. Click the Renew My Materials link near the bottom of the page
3. Sign in using your Patriots ID and current password, or click on the link to use UTTyler credentials.
4. Your library summary will be displayed with all titles currently checked out to your account. Unpaid fines will also be displayed along with a note - Please note: Since you have more than 0.05 in fines, you cannot renew your books online. Please pay your fines if you wish to renew your books.
5. If you wish to renew some of the titles checked out, check the Renew box of every title you wish to renew and click the Renew Selected button.
6. To renew all items, click the Renew All button.
7. When successfully renewed, your title(s) will appear with an updated due date and the message "Not renewable" in the Renew column.
8. Log Out (top right corner of the browser) to end your session.
To renew items received through Interlibrary Loan Services (ILS), please submit requests by emailing or calling 903.566.7396. Interlibrary loans cannot be renewed online. Please request ILL renewals 3-4 business days before the item is due to allow ILS staff time to contact the lending library.
Please call the Help Desk at 903.566.7342 for assistance or more information.
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